lens Our Journey
Young Professionals in Development

The IBF Foundation is the leading non-profit organization launched by IBF International Consulting in 2018 with the mission to enhance awareness about development cooperation among youngsters and contribute to generate new perspectives for young individuals by offering hands-on experiences in development cooperation projects.

The IBF Foundation completed with a non profit dimension the IBF International Consulting's extensive activity, leveraging its vast expertise in implementing internationally financed projects across various sectors and networks to the benefit of youngsters from Europe and developing countries, providing them with valuable insights and traineeship opportunities in the field of development cooperation.

In February 2024, the IBF Foundation embarked on a significant collaboration with the ICA International Consulting Alliance, the dynamic network of over 40 top experts and 80 consultancy organizations spanning more than 50 countries, established by IBF International Consulting in 2012.

This partnership marked a new chapter for the IBF Foundation, expanding its reach and impact through the launch of the “Young Professionals in Development (YPD) Traineeship Programme", a comprehensive initiative that combines mentorship, training workshops, and field placements.

At IBF Foundation we believe in the power of innovation, experiential learning, and capacity-building to drive positive change in communities around the world.

quality education

The IBF Foundation aims to widen perspectives for youngsters by providing them with diverse, enriching experiences that foster open-mindedness and global awareness.

Through the YPD Traineeship Programme and other initiatives, the IBF Foundation encourages youth to engage with different cultures, ideas and viewpoints, improving their experience and education. This approach not only broadens their horizons but also equips them with the skills and empathy needed to navigate and contribute positively to an increasingly interconnected and multicultural society.

“The IBF Foundation is about Generating Perspectives. Each of us can help supporting youngsters in developing countries.”

Frédéric André, Managing Director of IBF International Consulting.

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